Amid the silence of my mind, notions dwell. With my tightly closed mouth, a myriad of words shout. My feeble mind is over powered by several disturbing questions. Tell me, what is this delirium for?

Worries....the fear of the unknown- the tomorrow. So many 'what ifs' in my mind. What if stronger tides await me as the dawn breaks for a new day? The worries I keep on bringing wherever I go seem to be more massive as time passes by. My mind is already full of predictions. I am tired of it. I am full of predictions to the extent that most will never happen, even in the centuries to come.

Each day I struggle, striving to overcome every obstacle no matter how hard it is. The mysteries of my life seem to never end. The fact that no living soul on this world has not encountered any trial. Life has no trial and error method that once you have made a mistake, you can repeat again and again until you perfect things. I say, challenges make you do things NOW or NEVER.
I, honestly, can't describe myself as an optimistic person nor a pesimistic one.I stic kto the truth that in reality, lif cannot be always like one in heaven. Thus, life is full of surprises. Yet surprise doesn't always mean something you will like- it may displease you. No person on earth experiences full time of daily bliss, nor day-to-day burden of problems. The balance of trials and relief, sorrow and joy, frustration and rest- that what makes life beautiful. For it is in our downcast and tears where we learn to stand up and it is in our success and gladness where we learn to give.
Bottom line, life is indeed a maze. One makes choices of which pathway to use, to go slow or to hurry things, to give up or remain strong. And as you journey, you will meet people who are also solving the mysteries of their life. It is your choice whether you will let them join your quest or not. All you have to do is to enjoy the gift of life.
Now, it is time for you to grab a paper and a pen and begin writing the pandemonium of your thoughts.
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