10.) She makes sure that I am okay through texting.
9.) She is eager to know more about me not through slow and secret discovery but direct and straightforward questions such as, “What are your hobbies?” and “I notice you always buy C2. Is that your favorite drink?”
8.) She checks on me and makes sure that I am safe.
7.) She is willing to love what I love and learn to like what I like.
6.) She is willing to wait for half an hour just to see and talk to me.
5.) She means what she says and says what she means: “I love you, Bes!”
4.) She shares to me her dreams about me, experiences when she was young, and goals she wants us to fulfill together.
3.) She understands and accepts me for who I am: silent, quite shy and sometimes snobbish.
2.) She knows and senses whenever I have problems. Once she finds out that I am not okay, she goes near and comforts me.
And the number 1 thing (the creepiest but most interesting) I like about my best friend is that:
1.) She once sensed that I went to this particular place and her instinct was correct. I really went to that place. COOL HUH!?
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