From October 28 to 30, that is three days, I attended the Regional Science Olympiad and Congress. With me were eleven other high school students namely Rae, Hannah, Krizza, Felise, Dymphna, manangs in the 3rd year: Jessica, Yanny, Kylie, and 4th year: Nina, Justine and Mocha. Meet new friends, learn new stuff and have fun were the top three things we did.
The AC 3rd year campers enjoyed making friends with the Sun Yat Sen learners. The three-day Science Camp was exhausting but fun. I met new friends coming from the province of Guimaras, Antique, Capiz, and towns of Dingle, Dumangas and many more.
On the third day, I did not join in the games anymore. Instead, I stayed in our quarter and slept. I did not have a good sleep the previous night because the last program, Scientist Look-Alike Pageant, ended twelve midnight. Plus, I slept past two o’clock because I ran out of water for bath. That means I slept without taking a half bath (Yucky, right). My body was sticky and I felt warm. I only had about an hour of sleep because I woke up and immediately took a bath by 4:30 in the morning.
By the end of the day, I felt totally tired and sleepy. Upon reaching home, I took a nap.