Friday, July 15, 2011

The First Project-like Activity in My Sophomore Year

Gabrielle, Elissa, and Jo performed their own version of Born This Way

Camille, Jianne, and Sonaya

Well, these girls performed a remix presentation of their own style.

The activity was indeed fun! After our CLE class, classes were cancelled due to a storm signal. 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

1st of July

 What a perfect beginning of the month! After a very frustrating June ( though it is my birth month), I had a taste of a relaxing and positive first-day-of-July.

I was silent upon entering the classroom and as I stepped inside, though hurriedly, I felt something that triggered me. Something that gave a sign of an occurence of something I have been looking for... something I've been longing for.

And yes... yes it did happen! The thing I've been waiting for has finally come. I've been prolonging this agony of waiting for things to happen. But then, all the sorrow just vanished away like dust blown by wind. With a simple step forward... an approach, everything changed. I began to smile. My heart became so light that I felt like I was floating on air due to an undescribable bliss. I remember the days when the chance was right in front of me, yet I ignored it, I waited for it to fade.

Wonderful things have been happening throughout the morning. And then strikes the afternoon I have been waiting forward. The climax of the day has occured. I can't find the words to describe what I was feeling. My heart seemeed so heavy but suddenly lightens. What I know was that, that day was one of the many days of my life that I will never ever forget. That day, for others may not be, was perfect for me.